Sons of Anarchy “Crow Eaters”

FX’s original series, Sons of Anarchy (SOA), is about the outlaw motorcycle club, Sam Cro, that operates in Charming, California. I have watched the whole series, and have concluded that the majority of women on the show are portrayed in a very stereotypical light. Although this is a crime show, the majority of women are desperate groupies that aspire to be “old ladies” rather than “crow eaters” to the club members.

SOA features various women in roles such as: porn stars, strippers, “old ladies”, “crow eaters”, one doctor, one stay at home mom, a junkie turned case worker and a two lesbian ATF agents.

The majority of these women are “crow eaters”, which are women that hang around or have sexual relationships with the Sam Cro members. They are portrayed as easy, desperate, lonely and unable to take care of themselves financially and emotionally. They aspire to be the “old ladies” which are women that have actual relationships with the Sam Cro members. The “old ladies” hang around the bar, watch the kids, or make sure their biker boyfriend is happy.

The show features many implied rape scenarios, soft porn, and domestic violence. Old ladies get hit by their boyfriends on this show, and most of the crow eaters participate in their porn business.

Overall, I would not say this is a “woman-empowering” show, rather than an action-packed series that encourages brotherhood and violence.

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